Improving stroke services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

Stroke services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire could be set to change as part of a public consultation on proposed improvements.

Stroke can affect anyone at any age at any time. It is a life threatening condition and the fourth biggest killer in the UK. 1 in 50 of residents in Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire live with the long-term consequences of the condition.

Healthier Together have put together a number of proposals to improve stroke treatment and care. Drafted with the help of senior clinicians, staff and stroke survivors, they include the creation of a Hyper-Acute Stroke Unit at Southmead Hospital, providing specialist emergency stroke treatment for everyone in the area.

Changes to ongoing hospital care are included, with the preferred option for a single specialist stroke unit at Southmead Hospital, although the option of an additional smaller unit at the Bristol Royal Infirmary has also been put forward.

Two inpatient stroke rehab units are also being put forward - one on the Weston General Hospital site, and a second in either Bristol or South Gloucestershire.

A public consultation on the proposals will be running until 3 September.

To find out more about the proposals, book your place at an event and have your say, click here.