If you're an organisation involved in health and social care services in South Glos, or an individual who lives, works, or uses services in the area, you can become a member of Healthwatch South Glos. It's an opportunity to make a real difference to NHS services in the area - and it's free!

By becoming a member you can:

  • Attend our AGM and vote for the elected members of our Board
  • Receive our regular newsletter
  • Represent the public and their concerns
  • Send us your comments, updates and experiences on local services
  • Take part in discussion or focus groups 
  • Help us collect the views of the local community
  • Join our focus groups and influence your local health and social care services
  • Apply to join our Board

Please complete our membership form below: 

Please fill in your full name.
Please provide us with the the best number to contact you on.
You only need to fill this in if you wish to be a member as an organisation rather than an individual.
Please tell us if you have any requirements to make our work accessible to you, e.g. large print or information in easy read. If you do not need information in alternative formats, please leave blank.
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