Free virtual monthly drop-in sessions for people who have had strokes, their families, and carers

If you or a loved one has suffered a stroke, register for a free, monthly drop-in session to learn more about how to manage life after a stroke.

Bristol After Stroke and Bristol Health Partners Stroke HIT, along with their partners, are hosting a series of free, monthly information and discussion sessions for people who have had strokes, their families, friends, and their carers.

The first Zoom session takes place on the 29th April, and will provide information on common stroke medication. The session will feature Claire Fullbrook Scanlon, a Senior Lecturer lecturer from UWE and Senior Nurse Clinical Academic (Royal United Hospitals Bath).

The virtual sessions will run monthly (apart from August) on the last Thursday of the month between 12:30 and 1:30pm. 

Click here to sign up for the sessions, and to have your say on topics that you would like to be discussed.

  • Stroke strikes every five minutes 
  • 100,000 people have strokes each year
  • There are 1.2 million stroke survivors in the UK

Stroke Association

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